FAQs About Wrongful Death Law

Even if a loved one never had a job, he or she might have contributed to the family in other ways. The plaintiff may be compensated for services the deceased person had been providing and would have continued to provide. This includes housekeeping, childrearing and similar activities. In some states, the plaintiff also may recover for the loss of companionship in addition to medical and funeral expenses. If the loved one was in school to prepare for a profession, this could also be taken into consideration.

Wrongful Death Trial Lawyers Serving Southern California

We understand that no amount of compensation can replace the loss of your loved one. But you do have the right to pursue recovery for expenses and for other damages in a civil action. If you lost someone you love in an accident, contact the wrongful death attorneys of Stolpman, Krissman, Elber & Silver, LLP, to arrange a free consultation. We work hard to help you find closure by getting you a fair settlement whenever possible, but our attorneys are expert trial lawyers that are prepared to file a lawsuit when it is necessary.

For a Free Consultation Call (562) 435-8300.